Re: Vanguard lofts.

Subject: Re: Vanguard lofts.
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 08:32:34 CDT

> I can't believe there is no discussion regarding the following:
> 1. Why is the door on Throop still broken?
> 2. What is the story on the water draining into our deck from the building
> next door, and
> 3. Since Ali is no longer the maintenance man, and we've had problems with
> theft from "inside jobs", when are the locks going to be changed?

Good points, Delores.
And, as long as we're grousing, when will that trashed car on the corner
of our alley and Throop be carted away? It's been languishing there for
a few weeks, contra city ordinances.

Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /

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