Subject: Re: Back elevator out
From: Debra J. Aaron (
Date: Sat Jun 30 2001 - 07:55:37 CDT
I called in the elevator last night to the elevator company as well as First
Properties. I stayed with the elevator guy last night until it was working
again - we both tested it and it went out again as he was there. He reset
it again and we ran it several times. Then I received a call at 11 pm last
night that someone was stuck again and the elevator company would send
someone out again. No sooner is it reset when it powers out again so I
phoned First Properties and asked that the elevator be turned off. This is
going to keep happening until they figure out what the problem is. So I am
recommending to keep it shut and for people to stay off for now.
----- Original Message -----
From: Sina Fong <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 7:14 AM
Subject: Back elevator out
> The back elevator is not working at all as of 7am this
> morning, I called both the elevator repair emergency
> number as well as First Properties Emergency
> maintenance this morning.
> The elevator repair company said someone would be out today.
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