Subject: Re: Butts
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Jul 04 2001 - 11:01:08 CDT
> Why are there cigarette butts on my balcony this morning and we don't smoke and didn't have any guests (not that any of my company would leave cigarette butts on my balcony or throw them off the side)
We've found the same on our balcony a few times in recent weeks (#501),
so it's likely from the same source. Probably somebody above us had a
party and the guests weren't aware of how butts can drift onto others'
balconies instead of making it to the ground.
I've also noticed many butts on the grass in the center of the building
on the south side, where it appears that tenants (or their guests)
from a lower floor are tossing them off the edge.
Jim Thomas / #501
Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /
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