Re: Parking lot and other things

Subject: Re: Parking lot and other things
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Dec 05 2001 - 12:54:28 CST

On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Paul Sanchez wrote:

> Finally, the smell in the rear entrance is unbearable,
> especially over the weekends.

As long as we're getting a bang for our buck with our association
fees--and the budget seemed quite reasonable--the fees seem in line
with current costs in line with fees at comparable buildings.
When we reviewed the line-item budget, it was difficult to identify
an item where a 10 pct decrease could be made. (Note: I've no
finance experience, but used conversations with friends and info
from other sources as the guide).

But Paul's right about the smell (stench is a better term). It's
embarrassing to bring guests in through the back entrance on weekends.
This wasn't nearly as noticeable in the past, even on hot days.
It's beyond a simple nuisance. With holiday entertaining coming up,
it's unfortunate that guests' first impression of Vanguard is
the odor of garbage in the rear elevator.


Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /

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