Re: Parking lot and other things

Subject: Re: Parking lot and other things
From: Michael Rutkowski (
Date: Wed Dec 05 2001 - 14:21:24 CST

 I will go and measure, but the spots along the east side are suppossed to be 7'6" on center, and the other spaces 8'3" on center. I was told that the 7'6" spots where actually made an inch or two larger, because there was space at the north end near the gate.
Although this doesn't account for the "foot smaller" Paul claims his spot is, the stripes used are 2 inches wider than the old stripes, which does make each spot look smaller.
  Paul Sanchez <> wrote: Mike,
I've noticed that our parking space has shrunk ever since they resurfaced
the lot. My space, which is on the east side of the lot, is over a foot
shorter that the rest. We hardly have any room to open our doors. Find out
what are the correct dimensions we paid for and have those spots repainted
ASAP. Please let me know when this problem will be solved. Also, is anyone
else outraged about that enormous association payment increase or are we
the only ones. Finally, the smell in the rear entrance is unbearable,
especially over the weekends.
Paul Sanchez
University of Chicago
Department of Human Genetics
920 E. 58th Street
CLSC Room 501
Chicago, IL. 60637

Phone: 773-702-5898
Fax: 773-834-0505

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