Subject: Re: Back door
From: Michael Rutkowski (
Date: Fri May 31 2002 - 19:50:54 CDT
It's friday evening, and I have been out of town
yesterday and today. I'll call teddy in the morning
and have him take a look.
--- bstewart <> wrote:
> Jim,
> Could you please send this message to the Vanguard
> Discussion group and
> Michael R since I can't send email out from here.
> You can send it from you or
> me or both.
> I haven't had dish problems this time, but I am
> concerned about the back door
> to the parking ramp. It isn't closing properly and
> it looks like it's bent
> and has a slash on it. Does anyone know what
> happened to it? It needs to be
> fixed and until it is fixed we need some signs
> reminding people to please make
> sure that it shuts.
Michael E. Rutkowski
First Properties, LLC
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