RE: X Marks the Spot!

Subject: RE: X Marks the Spot!
From: John Luedtke (
Date: Tue Jun 25 2002 - 08:39:53 CDT

 Belinda and Shiju,
Tom noticed them over a week ago and asked First Properties to look into it. At first we thought the marks were made by the follks doing the facade inspection, but they say they did not make them. I asked Michael to ask USA DISH if they made the marks. I'm waiting to hear back on that. Otherwise, we do not know who made the marks or for what purpose. Eladio has been instructed to erase them as they appear to have been made in pencil.
  Belinda Leeney <> wrote: Shiju,
I also noticed this 'X' marking our units.

John or anyone else on the board,
Do you know what this 'X' symbolizes?


>From: Shiju Elakkatt
>To: "''" ,
>Subject: RE: Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 14:34:10 -0500
>Hello everyone,
>Has anyone else noticed that within the last week or two, many of our units
>seem to have been marked with an X. The mark appears on the wall to the
>left of the doorway. I noticed it outside my unit and then did a quick
>walkthrough on the seventh floor and it looks like all the units on the
>north side of the hallway had the same mark as well as many (although not
>all) of the units on the south side. Has anyone noticed this on other
>floors and if so, any ideas???
>Shiju Elakkatt

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