Subject: Lobby Mess
From: Aaron, Debra (SRIC) (
Date: Mon Nov 18 2002 - 09:23:40 CST
Good morning,
Has anyone else been appalled or even noticed the condition of our lobby
this weekend? Does anyone care? I found it messy Saturday morning with
cookie crumbs, scrap paper, french fries, and cigarette butts. Then this
morning discovered it in even worse addition to the already
mentioned there was a torn up phone book, more paper, and an empty (i think
it was empty?) carton of beer.
I find it hard to believe that people spend their hard earned dollars on
their homes and yet care nothing about the grounds, the lobby, the interior
of the building. I have picked up numerous beer bottles in the grass on Van
Buren the past few weekends; leftovers from resident parties. I have no
problem doing that since some owners or renters don't know how to be
responsible for their guests, however I'd like to draw the line at taking on
the responsibility of mopping and cleaning the lobby on the weekends.
Unfortunately, the slobs that created this mess probably won't read this
email; however we do have this on video tape. John (Board President), can
we please review these tapes and fine the owners responsible and maybe post
the pictures on the bulletin board?
Debra J. Aaron
Purchasing Manager
Stein Roe Investment Counsel
312.368.7866 (p)
312.368.7697 (f)
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