
Subject: Re:
From: Tom Campbell (
Date: Sun Dec 29 2002 - 20:28:37 CST

At 09:44 AM 12/29/2002 -0600, John Mulligan wrote:
>I came in this morning around 6:40 and noticed that the lights are off in
>the front lobby. I have noticed this in the past and am now wondering if
>the management company has decided to be penny wise and pound foolish by
>putting them on a timer. We are living in an up and coming area which
>certainly still has a large amount of predators in it. Limiting visibility
>is extremely at the entrance way is extremely dangerous to residents
>entering late at night. I don't know how much money we could be saving by
>not illuminating this lobby but it certainly won't be worth it to a
>resident who is the victim of a robbery or sexual assault.

I know the lights are on a timer. Perhaps the hours of leaving the light
on should be lengthened, to accommodate the ever changing daylight lengths
of our latitude. The first timer setting I'd try would be to have it on
from 4pm to 8am, with no changes for daylight savings time.

>Also this morning I noticed several large packages of mail that had been
>in the mail room lying on the 1st floor rear staircase. These packages had
>been opened and the contents removed. So once again either someone got in
>the building illegally or it was done by a resident or guest.

My opinion on this is that our mailroom thief is at it again. For
deterrence, the cost to add video cameras to the mailroom is somewhat
steep, so the board would likely want to have some feedback from owners
supporting the expenditure.

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