Re: Mailroom security

Subject: Re: Mailroom security
From: Philip Starewich (
Date: Mon Dec 30 2002 - 13:15:55 CST

A few weeks back I had an area rug shipped to the building that I suspect
was also stolen. When I complained to the store about not receiving it, I
was told that it had been shipped to the building, though I never saw it. I
always try to have my packages delivered to me at work, but that is not
always possible, and I would be in favor of installing a security camera in
the mailroom, regardless of the cost.

Phil Starewich

>From: Tom Campbell <>
>Subject: Re: Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 20:28:37 -0600
>At 09:44 AM 12/29/2002 -0600, John Mulligan wrote:
>>I came in this morning around 6:40 and noticed that the lights are off in
>>the front lobby. I have noticed this in the past and am now wondering if
>>the management company has decided to be penny wise and pound foolish by
>>putting them on a timer. We are living in an up and coming area which
>>certainly still has a large amount of predators in it. Limiting visibility
>>is extremely at the entrance way is extremely dangerous to residents
>>entering late at night. I don't know how much money we could be saving by
>>not illuminating this lobby but it certainly won't be worth it to a
>>resident who is the victim of a robbery or sexual assault.
>I know the lights are on a timer. Perhaps the hours of leaving the light
>on should be lengthened, to accommodate the ever changing daylight lengths
>of our latitude. The first timer setting I'd try would be to have it on
>from 4pm to 8am, with no changes for daylight savings time.
>>Also this morning I noticed several large packages of mail that had been
>>in the mail room lying on the 1st floor rear staircase. These packages had
>>been opened and the contents removed. So once again either someone got in
>>the building illegally or it was done by a resident or guest.
>My opinion on this is that our mailroom thief is at it again. For
>deterrence, the cost to add video cameras to the mailroom is somewhat
>steep, so the board would likely want to have some feedback from owners
>supporting the expenditure.

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