where's my tax bill?

Subject: where's my tax bill?
From: Deskovich, Mary (mdeskovich@cps.k12.il.us)
Date: Mon Feb 10 2003 - 17:14:42 CST

The bill I was forwarded from 1P was addressed to LaSalle Bank so I called
LaSalle to find out what happened. They claim that as soon as they were no
longer part of the development (they got their $$ from Rezmar) they sent all
tax notices for the property on to Rezmar. The woman I spoke w/ said this
was done as soon as PINs were issued. Obviously they were issued in 2001
since we are getting separate bills for that year. It is also interesting to
note that those of us who have checked our status on the county web site see
that the 2002 bill is being sent to Rezmar. I'm waiting for them to return
my call (yeah-hold my breath on that) to explain why they evidently never
bothered to send them to the owner. They knew who we were, 'cuz they sold us
the property.

One other interesting thing that LaSalle Bank told me is that change of
owners are not always automatically registered w/ the county tax entity. She
said that in the past three years many people have to go to the county and
personally change the info or the bills will continue to be sent to the old
owner. This is supposedly a recent (w/in the past 3 years) phenomena. Which
might explain why our unit bills were sent correctly (they were closed in
'99) but the parking, which was closed in 2000 are on someone's desk.

I agree that a notice should be sent to all owners, especially those of us
who have owned parking since the beginning, warning them to check for this
impending delinquency sale as well as to check what is due on 3/3 for 2002.


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