redux to tax sale redux

Subject: redux to tax sale redux
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sat Feb 22 2003 - 17:23:29 CST

For the record:

Some things, I suppose, should be kept private and not shared, because
they tend to be a bit embarrassing. Very embarrassing. But, as one of
those who indicated that I didn't recall a parking space tax note from
1P, uh.....

well, in going through some Dept of Corrections old notes on prison
statistics from Feb, 2002 for a report, guess what I found buried in the
pile? Yep - (cringing) - a note from 1P and Michael giving explicit
instructions on what to do, the parking space PIN, and the rest.

So, it appears--at least in our case at least--Michael was right on top of
it last year.

So, Michael, you *were* on the stick last year. I apologize for dropping
the ball.

I thought it was odd that I had a property Tax Bill for Stateville....

(do I really have to sign this??? Yeh, probably)

Jim / 501

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