Re: Snow job

Subject: Re: Snow job
From: John Luedtke (
Date: Thu Mar 06 2003 - 13:03:55 CST

I have put in a call to Michael on this. I agree that a better job should have been done. Please keep in mind that the snow removal company will not be shoveling the narrow spaces between cars. When this has been done in the past, cars have been damaged. They are, however, supposed to plow any vacant spaces (apparently this was done on the parking deck).
John wrote:Again, the snow plowing job was "totally unacceptable". You cannot plow 6"
to 8" of snow down the center of the parking lot without making 10" to 12"
mounds of snow behind all the cars. Of course, I got stuck. Am I suppose to
shovel my own spot? I don't think so.

Robert Staszak Jr

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