RE: Rear adjacent parking lot

Subject: RE: Rear adjacent parking lot
From: Deskovich, Mary (
Date: Mon Mar 17 2003 - 09:22:08 CST

This e-mail is written as an owner at Vanguard Lofts, not as a member of the


Did you happen to get the name of the company depositing it? This AM as I
left for work, 4 trucks w/ "Prestige Towing" on the side (one had a phone #
that I wrote down on a slip of paper that is in my car) were gathering
behind the one residential looking building on Jackson. Is Prestige Towing
using the lot for storage of vehicles that don't fit behind the building on

Perhaps a call to the alderman or 12th police district community relations
might be in order.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Thomas
To: Vanguard Discussion
Sent: 3/16/03 6:30 PM
Subject: Rear adjacent parking lot

Did anybody ever find out what the deal is on those junked cars
in the rear parking lot? There are now 10 of them and another one is
being deposited as I type this. It's not just unsightly, but a
rat haven.


Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /

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