RE: Rear adjacent parking lot

Subject: RE: Rear adjacent parking lot
From: John Luedtke (
Date: Mon Mar 17 2003 - 11:11:52 CST


I have another call in to Michael to see whether he has made any progress contacting the building owner. If we can't get satisfaction, I'll ask the board to meet to discuss more formal remedies (zoning, nuisance, etc.)


 Jim Thomas <> wrote:On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Deskovich, Mary wrote:

> This e-mail is written as an owner at Vanguard Lofts, not as a member of the
> board.

> Did you happen to get the name of the company depositing it?

I couldn't see it, Mary. It was dark (about 7:30ish). It appeared to be
a red truck.

Are there zoning laws that might prohibit this?


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