Re: Rear Lot

Subject: Re: Rear Lot
From: Faye Lucarelli-Kanter (
Date: Wed Mar 19 2003 - 18:39:35 CST


Hope this helps.

Prestige: 773-416-2700
No 'city of chicago' signage.


--- "Michael E. Rutkowski (First Properties)"
<> wrote:
> If anyone is able to catch the phone number off of the
> Prestige Towing trucks that are dropping of cars it would
> be appreciated. I have checked the yellow pages and
> directory assistance. No Prestige Towing, Prestige Auto
> Wreckers, Prestige Haulers, etc.
> Also important...see if the trucks also have a small
> "City of Chicago" sign attached to the sides. I know the
> city has sub-contracted with several private firms to
> remove abandoned cars from city streets. I surely hope
> we're not the dumping ground for these cars.
> Michael E. Rutkowski
> First Properties, LLC
> Phone: 312.829.8900
> Fax: 312.829.8950

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