Re: Our Unsteady Elevator

Subject: Re: Our Unsteady Elevator
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Tue Jul 01 2003 - 21:38:01 CDT

> Although the elevator has not broken down recently, it
> has been making the loud thumming noise and jerky
> motion that usually preceeds it. This is, in my
> opinion, a way too frequent state for the elevator.
> Especially since I have never experienced this in any
> other elevator.

I wasn't going to post anything because it seemed to whiny, but
I have another issue with the elevator.

The "thumming" noise creates vibrating echos that filter through
our walls in #501. No big deal, except in the middle of the night
when all is quiet, then somebody takes the elevator. The noise is
a minor nuisance, but the vibrations sound like an air compressor
jacked against the wall. On a 10 point scale, minor, but the
repititive nature of it all night long becomes maddening.

We presume that the problem will be fixed before too long.

Jim Thomas / #501

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