Re: Our Unsteady Elevator

Subject: Re: Our Unsteady Elevator
From: Doug B (
Date: Wed Jul 02 2003 - 11:49:38 CDT

Thanks for an explanation. It helps knowing why the
elevator behaves the way it does.

I still hold out hope that some pointed questions
might reveal something short of a new cab. Has the
maintenance company been asked or expressed whether
the frequency of the wear is normal? Is it the same
bushing/wheel that wears out first? There might be an
irregular section, a screw, etc that is causing
premature wear. Perhaps they aren't making note of it
and just want to replace the wheels and leave.

   Maybe this is normal experience for this type of
elevator, but after three years of using it, it is
hard to believe.

--- "Michael E. Rutkowski (First Properties)"
<> wrote:
> While the mechanicals on the roof for the elevator
> are new, the cab and
> shaft mechanicals are original to the building.
> This means the cab has
> several rubber wheels (actually I think "bushing" is
> the proper term, but
> I'll call them wheels for illustrative purposes)
> that guide it along
> vertical rails in the shaft.
> These rubber wheels wear out frequently. When they
> wear, it takes the
> elevator out of alignment (it only takes 1/8 of an
> inch). That causes the
> noise, shaking, etc. The only thing we can do is
> replace the wheels.
> Presently, we're replacing one or two wheels every
> sixty days. A wheel was
> just replaced last Friday. All Types will be out
> again today.
> A permanent fix? We can replace the cab with a
> modern car that relies on a
> different type of rail system...this would cost tens
> of thousands of
> dollars.
> Michael E. Rutkowski
> First Properties, LLC
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Doug B" <>
> To: "Michael E. Rutkowski (First Properties)"
> <>
> Cc: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 6:46 PM
> Subject: Our Unsteady Elevator
> >
> >
> > Although the elevator has not broken down
> recently, it
> > has been making the loud thumming noise and jerky
> > motion that usually preceeds it. This is, in my
> > opinion, a way too frequent state for the
> elevator.
> > Especially since I have never experienced this in
> any
> > other elevator.
> >
> > Do we have confidence in the elevator maintenance
> > company? Whatever repairs they make always seem
> short
> > lived. I believe someone mentioned that an
> elevator
> > technician said the elevator was "cheap". Perhaps
> > some key replacements would provide us with a
> smoother
> > operation with fewer breakdowns. Is our current
> > elevator company capable of making that
> > recommendation? Perhaps it is too expensive, but
> it
> > should be looked into.
> >
> >
> > And when they do visit I would like some
> communication
> > as to the cause of the "thumming". I have no idea
> > what it is or how serious it is. Is it a wheel
> > slightly off track, lack of lubrication...? It
> is
> > common enough that we should know what that noise
> is
> > symtomatic of.
> >
> >
> > In addition the east elevator always has a 15
> second
> > wait at the first floor. This also seems unusual.
> > Again, I do not know if this is something that can
> be
> > simply adjusted or not, but I think it is
> something
> > the maintenance company could look at during their
> > next visit.
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Doug
> >
> > __________________________________
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> >
> >

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