Subject: The vanguard discussion list is back up
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Thu Sep 11 2003 - 23:35:53 CDT
Thanks to the dedication and patience of ex-resident Tom Campbell, who was
instrumental in facilitating the transition of the vanguard discussion
list and homepage to it's new home, we're back up and running.
The discussion list is now functional, and we'll put the archives back up
on the homepage soon.
The discussion list has a new address. The "real" address is:
But, thanks to Tom, the old address,
should still work.
The HOMEPAGE is now at:
But, the old link ( will still work for
the near future)
There are still some major tweaks to be done to the homepage, but
Mary Deskovitch, our new webpage guru, will be working on it over the
next month or so.
If you are receiving this note and are no longer a Vanguard Lofts
resident, or if you wish to be taken off the list, let me know
by private email.
Jim Thomas
Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /
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