Re: PARTY!!!

Subject: Re: PARTY!!!
From: Mary Deskovich (
Date: Tue Sep 23 2003 - 09:08:35 CDT

John will help until he gets into the beer too deeply.

Carl Carter III <> wrote:


Who else will be grilling, or will I have the only one out?


>From: Mary Deskovich
>Subject: PARTY!!!
>Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 16:02:48 -0700 (PDT)
>Vanguard Lofts Garage Party
>The Vanguard Lofts Homeowners Association invites all members/residents to
>meet on Friday, September 26th. Starting at 7PM there will be grills in the
>lot outside the back door and a grillmaster cooking up burgers and sausage.
>Chips will also be provided. This is a BYOB affair, but coolers with ice
>will be set up.
>You are also invited to bring down your famous dip, dessert, side dish,
>etc. to share with your neighbors. However, don’t let a lack of culinary
>talent stop you from joining us.
>This is an excellent opportunity to figure out who’s who at VL. Let’s put
>names together with those faces we pass in the halls, share an elevator
>with, or park near.
>(The party will be held rain or shine. If the weather doesn’t cooperate the
>party will move into the underground garage)
>If you have any questions, suggestions, etc., talk with Debra or Carl
>(401), Mary (614) or Kim (714)
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