Subject: Re: Questions on the assessment issue
From: Michele Tittle (
Date: Sat Mar 13 2004 - 13:27:30 CST
Thanks Jim.
I actually just met with Mike and Jenny from the building who are going
around getting signatures for the petition, and we talked to a few other
home owners- so I think we will use the board as way to communicate the
outcome of that.
Just a bit of info for you- What we did discover this morning per the
by-laws (Jenny, Mike McCardy and I) is that the letters were post marked on
March 3rd, but dated Feb 26th. Per our rights- we have X days to respond,
but because it appears First Property back dated the letter- technically we
have until March 16th to respond. They can't hold us accountable to a date
when they didn't even mail the letter for 6 days. Check your postmark.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Thomas" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 11:36 AM
Subject: Questions on the assessment issue
> Judging from some of the public/private email, it appears that there are
> some shared questions going around. It might help if we can share the
> questions and then get the "official" answers and post them on the
> Vanguard Lofts homepage. While this won't satisfy everybody's concerns,
> it will reduce confusion and help explain what's happening and why.
> If you send your Qs to me by private email, I'll try to put them into
> a "package," get the answers, and then post them as they come in.
> The homepage isn't up yet (hopefully in the next 7-10 days or sooner),
> so it's incomplete, but we'll put it up ASAP even as (thanks to Mary
> Deskovitch) the homepage takes shape. We also have the discussion of
> the assessments as they've occured in the past few days.
> It also seems that many of the newcomers aren't aware of the building's
> history, why some policies are as they are, how to work little things
> in the loft, and other info that "old-timers" take for granted.
> So, if you have any basic questions, send them in PRIVATE email and
> we'll put up an FAQ area on the homepage.
> Also, as you talk to other residents, consider reminding them that we
> have a discussion group and urge them to get on it. We currently have
> about 30-35 units represented, not counting folks who have moved out
> who are still on the list, and the multiple subs from the same unit.
> Jim / #501
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University
> /
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