Questions on the assessment issue

Subject: Questions on the assessment issue
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sat Mar 13 2004 - 11:36:39 CST

Judging from some of the public/private email, it appears that there are
some shared questions going around. It might help if we can share the
questions and then get the "official" answers and post them on the
Vanguard Lofts homepage. While this won't satisfy everybody's concerns,
it will reduce confusion and help explain what's happening and why.

If you send your Qs to me by private email, I'll try to put them into
a "package," get the answers, and then post them as they come in.

The homepage isn't up yet (hopefully in the next 7-10 days or sooner),
so it's incomplete, but we'll put it up ASAP even as (thanks to Mary
Deskovitch) the homepage takes shape. We also have the discussion of
the assessments as they've occured in the past few days.

It also seems that many of the newcomers aren't aware of the building's
history, why some policies are as they are, how to work little things
in the loft, and other info that "old-timers" take for granted.
So, if you have any basic questions, send them in PRIVATE email and
we'll put up an FAQ area on the homepage.

Also, as you talk to other residents, consider reminding them that we
have a discussion group and urge them to get on it. We currently have
about 30-35 units represented, not counting folks who have moved out
who are still on the list, and the multiple subs from the same unit.

Jim / #501
Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /

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