Re: formal petition

Subject: Re: formal petition
From: Mary Deskovich (
Date: Tue Mar 16 2004 - 11:14:20 CST

I am sending this e-mail as an owner at Vanguard Lofts, NOT as a member of the Board.
FYI-I never rec'd a notice of any petition. This is the first I have heard of it. I don't know if others are in the same boat.
Perhaps it was not delivered to me because I am a Board member. If this is so, I would like to take exception with that practice. I would have liked the option of signing or not signing it rather than have someone decide that, since I am a member of the Board, I wouldn't sign it. Whether I would have signed it or not, I feel that if I was purposely left of the "delivery list" this simply inflames the "us against them" attitude that seems to be pervasive.
Mary wrote:

> Tonight is the LAST night for us to gather signatures for the formal
> petition. (You should have received flyers with information about the petition
> Saturday afternoon.) If you haven't done so, PLEASE make sure to stop by &sign
> the petition tonight so it can be delivered to First Properties Tuesday! Thank
> you for your support!

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