Re: Brief FAQ

Subject: Re: Brief FAQ
From: Michele Tittle (
Date: Mon Mar 15 2004 - 23:56:44 CST

Just one question have I heard asked in the hallways, and I myself wonder-
so if it can get added to the collective pool of outstanding
issues/questions- why is the ~175K I was told by Bryan McCardy we had in
reserves (when I purchsed the property in December) not being applied
towards this?

Isn't that the purpose of our building reserves? If not, then what is it


Michele Tittle #701

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Thomas" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 11:40 PM
Subject: Brief FAQ

> (long---sorry)
> Apologies for flooding mboxes, but a global response to some Qs sent by
> various folks in private email seems easier than a bunch of individual
> responses.
> There will be some FAQs appearing on the homepage in a week or so,
> but to clear the air and attempt to reduce some of the angst/anger and
> such --
> A caveat: I'm not on the Board, I don't have any inside knowledge, and I
> don't even play a mediator on tv. So, others can correct me if I'm wrong
> here, but I offer the following based on info gleaned from being one of
> the first "sign-ups" at vanguard, back in Jan '98:
> 1) Why isn't the board responding?
> This question came up in the early days. The board members CANNOT reply
> as individuals, because individual responses lack the authority of the
> entire Board. Individual responses risk creating confusion between
> personal opinions and official responses. So, historically, it's best
> that they express their views at the board meetings, which all
> residents are encouraged to attend. Being a Board member is unpaid,
> thankless, and a responsibility that relieves the rest of us from work.
> Our own Board, with the encouragement of Michael Rutkowski, has also
> been one of the most democratic and open boards I've heard of in
> condo living. They are very good about encouraging folks to attend
> meetings and listening, which isn't required, isn't done by many boards,
> and is a good-faith attempt to generate resident involvement.
> It's worth noting that a review of the minutes for the past 4+ years
> indicates that very, very few residents attend meetings.
> 2) Why is First Properties so screwed up??
> First Properties, in my view, is actually pretty good. Yeh, I've chided
> Michael both publicly and privately about a few things, such as lack
> of communication at times and some occasional ascii insensitivity. In But,
> the reality is that 1P has been fiscally responsible, handled a number
> of sudden problems well, and--when residents trashed things--generally
> dealt with them quickly. Michael was a resident in Vanguard from the
> early days, and helped guide us through the early days. When the first
> Board was elected, it selected 1P as the property manager. 1P had no
> connection to Rezmar and was (and remains) active in trying to get Rezmar
> to fulfill its obligations to the building. So, our criticisms should
> be tempered with a recognition of the effective things 1P has done.
> 3) How can I make my concerns known to the Board?
> a) Run for the Board when there's a vacancy
> b) Use the discussion list
> d) Write the Board at:
> (or, will get it there too)
> e) Talk with your neighbors (hey, a "hi" in the elevator is a start!)
> f) See c) above
> The Board (and 1P) have, in the last few days, attempted to find meeting
> times to share information and deal with our concerns. They're doing what
> they can in a situation that none of us like to help ease us through this.
> 4) Why are we socked with these darned assessments?
> a) Blame the city - It's their building code
> b) See a)
> d) Blame Rezmar (which seems to have a pattern of generating ill-will)
> e) See b)
> f) see d)
> So, as we criticize, let's also keep the flip side in perspective and
> try to work with 1P and the Board - from my experience, even as one
> who's often critical--they have our best interests in mind and judging
> from their response to people's concerns are doing their best to address
> them.
> Getting the repairs done is a requirement imposed on us, so the trick
> is to work together and reduce pain. (OK, everybody...GROUP HUG!!)
> (yawn) Sorry for the length, and we'll try to address this in more detail
> in the FAQs.
> Jim/#501
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University
> /

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