Re: Homepage and such

Subject: Re: Homepage and such
From: Mike Angelopoulos (
Date: Tue Mar 16 2004 - 18:30:12 CST

Is there an engineering report I/we may see ?
For the assessment that is, of course.
Thomas <> wrote:

It appears that we currently have about 40 pct of the units (excluding
duplicates and folks on the list who've moved out) represented on the
discussion list. When you talk to folks in the hall, consider mentioning
to them that this list exists and it's a good forum for airing issues.
So, encourage them to join (they can just drop me a note if they've
forgotten how to sub)

The homepage "shell" is up - there's not much there, but--thanks to
Mary Deskovitch--it's being resurrected. Material will magically
appear over the next few weeks as it's rebuilt. As of now, minutes
of all board meetings since '99/00, the assessment discussion, and
a few others things are there

You need a password to get in. If you were on the old homepage, your
old password should work. If you're new, send me PRIVATE email and I'll
give you a pw (or, if you've forgotten the old one, send email)

For the next few weeks, TEMPORARILY, you can access the homepage with the
login of: guest
and the password: guest

When we get the more private info there (such as residents' email, etc)
the temp password will be removed and it will require an individual
pw. But, we'll notify folks.

Ironic that it takes some discord to bring folks together, but that's
the silver lining in this.


Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /

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