Re: another Dish Question

Subject: Re: another Dish Question
From: Wayne Piggott (
Date: Tue Dec 07 2004 - 11:54:09 CST

I have never heard of such a thing. If USADISH is
charging a rental fee for something I can buy at radio
shack for under $50($50 can get me 200ft of cable), I
rather be without a TV.

Unit 1A

--- Michele Tittle <>

> All,
> I know there was a question a month or so ago about
> DISH and rental fees and I rec'd a letter yesterday
> for the 'rental of my coax cable'- 60.00 each =
> 120.00.
> I already paid a 150.00 deposit for my Dish
> Receivers, is it common to pay a rental fee for the
> Coax Cable? I have never in my life heard of such a
> thing and while I am not a DISH/Cable expert, but it
> would seem to me I can purchase a coax cable (or
> hell, even a dish receiver that might not break
> every week) for cheaper then the multitude of rental
> fees.
> Is this something everyone is paying and again,
> where do we stand on our relationship with USA Dish
> and is it up for discussion at all? I do plan on
> being at the 16th meeting- but this letter threw me
> for a loop.
> Donna- is this normal and if so, if I purchase my
> own DISH receiver and install it myself, I assume I
> can return these ones to DISH and receive my deposit
> back, no?
> thanks!
> Michele
> #701
> *and yes- I agree w/ Mary on the earlier email, I
> saw that this morning and was like !?!?!??!!?

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