Subject: Re: another Dish Question
Date: Tue Dec 07 2004 - 14:13:51 CST
I've always found it interesting that I can purchase a 3 room
multi-satellite system (includes tuners, dish, LNB, coax, and Tivo unit)
for $150 at the local electronics store. With mail in rebates and instant
store discounts, the end cost is FREE and you own the equipment. The only
fee you pay is the monthly subscription for the actual channels/package of
your choice.
It is my personal opinion that USA Dish Corp is getting rich off the
people of Vanguard Lofts. As I have been informed, due to the contract
with the association, USA Dish has exclusive rights to the property. I
also find it interesting that Roddy at USA Dish Corp changes the rules and
rates on a routine basis. Some owners have "never" paid a rental fee for
equipment, while other owners are finding themselves with a bill for $120.
USA Dish Corp has not done me any favors. I have been dissatisfied with
the customer service and quality of service ever since I moved into the
building. I have made several calls to EchoStar to complain about the
business practices of USA Dish Corp. I'm all for breaking our contract
with USA Dish and allowing the people of Vanguard Lofts to have a choice
when it comes to satellite or cable TV service.
FYI.. I can get you a 1000 ft spool of coax for $50.
I also saw the mess in the hall and I am disgusted by the way people don't
clean up after themselves. I agree with everything Mary said. Let's hope
the individuals responsible for the problem are on the distribution list
for this email.
Mary, thank you for letting us know another vehicle was broken into last
week. I had no idea this happened again. It is everyone's responsibility
to close the door after they leave the garage. It only takes a moment of
your time. After the break-ins this summer I now take extra time to close
the side gate as well. I have also programmed the numbers for First
Properties and the Emergency Line into my cell phone. If for some reason
the overhead door or side gates malfunction and are left open, please call
immediately. Emergency numbers are also posted in the garage on the side
entrance doors.
- Chris
Christian A. Lattimer
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. - Network Engineer
One North Dearborn
Chicago, IL 60602
Phone: 312-407-1333
Pager: 877-412-7720
Christian A Lattimer
Wayne Piggott <>
Sent by:
12/07/2004 11:54 AM
Please respond to vanguard-talk
Subject: Re: another Dish Question
I have never heard of such a thing. If USADISH is
charging a rental fee for something I can buy at radio
shack for under $50($50 can get me 200ft of cable), I
rather be without a TV.
Unit 1A
--- Michele Tittle <>
> All,
> I know there was a question a month or so ago about
> DISH and rental fees and I rec'd a letter yesterday
> for the 'rental of my coax cable'- 60.00 each =
> 120.00.
> I already paid a 150.00 deposit for my Dish
> Receivers, is it common to pay a rental fee for the
> Coax Cable? I have never in my life heard of such a
> thing and while I am not a DISH/Cable expert, but it
> would seem to me I can purchase a coax cable (or
> hell, even a dish receiver that might not break
> every week) for cheaper then the multitude of rental
> fees.
> Is this something everyone is paying and again,
> where do we stand on our relationship with USA Dish
> and is it up for discussion at all? I do plan on
> being at the 16th meeting- but this letter threw me
> for a loop.
> Donna- is this normal and if so, if I purchase my
> own DISH receiver and install it myself, I assume I
> can return these ones to DISH and receive my deposit
> back, no?
> thanks!
> Michele
> #701
> *and yes- I agree w/ Mary on the earlier email, I
> saw that this morning and was like !?!?!??!!?
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