Subject: Re: Possible Slob Sighting...
From: Mary Deskovich (
Date: Wed Dec 08 2004 - 10:05:23 CST
We are instructed to not let people we don't recognize into the building behind us (a reason to come to the meeting/party-so you'll recognize more people). What I do is politely explain why and ask them to use their keys. The only problem I ever encountered was years ago when some one from the developer insisted that he be let in. Since then people have appeared to be understanding (of course they were probably mumbling under their breath what a witch I was). Being a jerk never works.
Jim Thomas <> wrote:
> Also, we have a tenant who tried to stop my wife
> and I from entering the building about a month ago.
Did you notice the floor the elevator stopped on? What did he look like?
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