Subject: Re: Possible Slob Sighting...
From: Ric (
Date: Wed Dec 08 2004 - 15:20:52 CST
Your memory is as poor as your manners. Not knowing
who you were and you trying to sneak in behind me, I
POLITELY asked that you key in to the building.
You immediately informed me that "I live here and I
don't have to."
When you challenged me with making up 'rules' I
pointed to the sign on the glass door that asks
residents to have unknown people key in. That not
being good enough for you, I then pointed out the
recent thefts/tire slashings/break ins as my reason
for asking that you produce your key.
I'm sure you won't recall that I was very polite with
you until you became a prick, at which point even your
wife tried to stop you from arguing about it.
If you have a problem with me, you knew how to get a
hold of me and work it out. You and I had talked via
email before and met again in person after the
'incident' when I picked up my boxes you were kind
enough to hold.
I was more than willing to just let the incident go
and chalk it up to you being a grumpy old man.
However, since you felt the need to mention it in a
public forum, I will not stand by and say nothing.
Of course I sound like a jerk when the story is told
by you. I was nothing but professional with you.
And if you aren't asking people you don't know to key
in to the building, then shame on you.
Ric Bardwell
Unit #404
--- dpkegel <> wrote:
> Mary,
> When did the beer bottle incident happen?...One of
> our neighbors on the
> 1st floor had a "social event" last week-end, which
> included a verbal
> shouting match in the hallway and people being
> ordered to leave the
> building, etc., etc. Also, we have a tenant who
> tried to stop my wife
> and I from entering the building about a month ago.
> He demanded to see I
> D, physically blocked the doorway and informed us he
> was the police...he
> wasn't able to produce police ID, said he left it
> upstairs. Anyway, very
> classy guy and certainly a positive addition to our
> community.
> David
> 1C
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