Subject: Re: Moving sale....
From: dpkegel (
Date: Sat Jan 08 2005 - 10:10:11 CST
Jim Thomas wrote:
>Whoever is responsible for shoveling the parking lot on the upper deck
>should be fired! We got stuck trying to get into our parking space, and
>there's no evidence that the area had been touched. Period!
>There's no excuse that the folks we're paying couldn't get to it today.
>They failed to fulfill the contract. We should find a provider that can.
>Jim / 501
>Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University
> /
To Everyone at 1250:
Hello neighbors,
We are going to be moving and plan to sell most of our furniture at very
reasonable prices. We have 2 leather chairs, an all glass dining room
table, a full sleeper sofa, a queen size bed, a coffee table, various
misc. items and an Awia bookshelf stereo system w/cabinet. We hope to be
out of our condo by February, so if anyone reading this has any
interest, call. Our telephone no. is 312-492-9492. Our unit is 1C, we're
right next to the mail room on the first floor.
David and Alvera Kegel
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