Subject: Security and such
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Oct 17 2005 - 11:54:49 CDT
I note that in the October 2 note from 1P, the fourth recommendation
4) Keep your unit door double locked at all times
I assume that the individual unit doors were all constructed the same.
Our own door as the single bolt lock near the door knob and doesn't
have a double lock. Does this recommendation from 1P now mean that, contra
proscriptions of altering the outside of unit doors that circulated
back around '99-2000, we can now install security mechanisms, such as
a second external-key deadbolt without violating bylaws?
Unless there's been a change that hasn't been circulated, could be change
the condo bylaws to allow this so we'll be in compliance if we add
a second lock?
Perhaps Loretta could clarify this for us.
Jim / 501
Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /
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