some security suggestions

Subject: some security suggestions
From: Jenny Lee (
Date: Tue Oct 25 2005 - 14:57:35 CDT

Would it be possible to get some stats about the breakins?

Stats like what time of day the breakins occurred, which units (or if that
is a breach of privacy, what is the general NSEW orientation of the unit -
i.e. the northwest corner of the 5th floor), which floors are most
vulnerable, etc.? If we could get some details of what areas in our building
are most vulnerable, maybe we can all be more vigilant as neighbors and keep
our eyes open? if I knew some of the patterns of our breakins, I would be
more observant.

Also, maybe we should change our door code every month. If that is too much
admin, then how about every quarter? (Or perhaps we could use the vanguard
lofts website to administer the updated door codes on a schedule securely?)
Regardless, of the admin time, it would be great to get a new door code on a
regular basis.

Lastly, we should stop letting strangers into the building. Granted, I don't
know every face of every resident in the building, but I have started to ask
people if they are a resident of the building before letting them follow me
into the building. It's just too darn easy for strangers to get in because
we are so darn polite! LOL!

Jenny Lee

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Loretta Wheeler" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: Security and such
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 16:43:11 -0500

Most of your doors have double locks on them.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Thomas" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 11:54 AM
Subject: Security and such

> I note that in the October 2 note from 1P, the fourth recommendation
> was:
> 4) Keep your unit door double locked at all times
> I assume that the individual unit doors were all constructed the same.
> Our own door as the single bolt lock near the door knob and doesn't
> have a double lock. Does this recommendation from 1P now mean that,
> proscriptions of altering the outside of unit doors that circulated
> back around '99-2000, we can now install security mechanisms, such as
> a second external-key deadbolt without violating bylaws?
> Unless there's been a change that hasn't been circulated, could be change
> the condo bylaws to allow this so we'll be in compliance if we add
> a second lock?
> Perhaps Loretta could clarify this for us.
> Jim / 501
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University
> /

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