Subject: dog poop in hallway
From: Mary Deskovich (
Date: Wed Oct 26 2005 - 19:59:08 CDT
When I came home this afternoon the front lobby smelled horrible!! I mean it was so bad I got the dry heaves. Later in the evening someone had posted a note that said that they were disappointed (that's an understatement) that someone would let their dog crap in the lobby and leave it there. It was when I read the note that I realized that what I had smelled was dog diarrhea.
We need to look at the tapes and hold the a--hole responsible. I understand that dogs sometimes get ill and have accidents, but that is one of the reasons that our rules forbid dogs in the front stairwells, lobby, and entrance. And even if it was okay to use the front with dogs the jerk should have cleaned it up and somehow eradicated the smell. This is one instance where the owner responsible should be fined IMMEDIATELY!!! No warning, no "next time it will cost you", no "Gee too bad your dog was sick and you are an idiot". And even if the owner did clean it him/herself (the note hinted that maintenance cleaned it up) the moron still needs to be fined for using the front entrance with the dog.
This e-mail is NOT being sent by me as a member of the Board. It is my personal opinion as an owner.
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