Re: First Properties - Time for a change?

Subject: Re: First Properties - Time for a change?
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Thu Oct 27 2005 - 18:29:26 CDT

Michael, thanks for your public response clarifying some of the issues.

Despite my pique, you know (and I will remind others publicly) that I
respect you from our 6 years of cooperation, bickering, and mutual
attempts to solve problems. I am also (despite being miffed) quite
satisfied with 1P. I apologize for intemperate tone. However, I do feel
that there has been a recent breakdown in communication between 1P and
the Vanguard residents, perhaps inevitable when staff is in transition.

I think most of the issue could be resolved if we all worked together to
expand the lines of communciation and--when issues affect us all--make
these lines public. Dealing with nearly 500 students this term, I'm
sympathetic to how hard it is to keep lines open via email, because it
can be overwhelming. However, it can be done.

Perhaps if we send concerns, whether public or private, to Loretta, she
could sift through and decide what might make for good public
dissemination and which should be kept private. This might save her from
having to deal with multiple issues individually, and would also let us
know what's happening. (public responses to private email, of course,
should delete identifying indicators of original poster and sum the
issue rather than post private email publicly).

A good start might be to answer some of the issues raised by other posters
in the last week.

Jim / #501

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