Re: War path against 1P

Subject: Re: War path against 1P
From: Michele Tittle (
Date: Fri Oct 28 2005 - 05:20:25 CDT

The re-keying was a HUGE problem on Monday. My keys did arrive on Saturday
and the letter indicated at 5pm Monday night, to toss the old keys. Early
Monday morning I took my dog out, was locked out, in the rain, had to HOP
THE GATE and force my puppy through the bars, only to be stranded out-front
of the building with several other tenants, who hadn't even received their
keys. I guess I was the lucky one who did actually get keys, just assumed I
didn't need them until later in the day, per the letter that accompanied

Several other tenants were without keys and stranded, I know this because
one couple I am friendly with called me to see if I could let her in.
Unfortunately I wasn't at home, so she had to sit outside until someone came
in and let her in. She was also unable to walk her dog or get her car out
for several hours, because she didn't have keys and couldn't 'hop the fence'
into the parking lot because she is pregnant.

I have had my issues with First Property since day one, especially since I
pay 336.00 a month in assessments (for what, I don't know), so we are
definitely willing to discuss making changes.

~Michele 701
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Thomas" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 12:21 AM
Subject: War path against 1P

> If my information is wrong, I'll apologize. If it's correct, then
> I demand some answers from Loretta and Michael who--if the following is
> correct--still don't get the communication game.
> In an earlier post today, Michael indicated the locks were changed twice.
> I wasn't sure what this meant, and let it pass.
> I was aware that the front/back door locks were changed about 2 weeks
> ago. We were notified (on short notice) and given new keys.
> We were gone for the last 10 days. On attempting to enter the building
> tonight, about 11:30, we could not get in. After about 20 minutes, a
> resident came by, let me in, and informed me that the locks were changed
> a second time, Monday, October 24, and the keys should be in our mailbox.
> 1) WE WERE NOT INFORMED, by phone, by email, by letter, by anything else,
> of a second change of locks. If this lock was changed monday, October 24,
> 2) There were no keys or letter in our mailbox.
> 3) Unlike the previous change, there were no keys under the door.
> If the locks were changed a second time, WHY WEREN'T WE INFORMED?
> We have no key to the front door.
> Michael has argued that the discussion group is not an appropiate place
> to raise issues.
> This is nonsense. It should, perhaps, like Michael is dodging
> accountability.
> I won't debate at this point whether it's irresponsible for people
> committed to communication to attempt to avoid it publicly.
> But, I will say: If the locks were changed a second time, and
> communicating this to residents failed, it's time there were some changes
> at 1P.
> Jim Thomas / 501
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University
> /

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