Re: War path against 1P

Subject: Re: War path against 1P
From: Michele Tittle (
Date: Fri Oct 28 2005 - 05:21:05 CDT

If the keys were given to a 'Tenant', does this mean another re-keying is in
order since now mystery people have the keys??

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Thomas" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 1:08 AM
Subject: Re: War path against 1P

> On Fri, 28 Oct 2005 wrote:
> > I am in unit 410 and I also have been attempting to reach Lorreta who
> > does not return calls. I was also locked out. My new keys were mailed
> > out on the 21 0ct 2005 which was three days before they were changed.
> > No notice at all. I also had a problem with my last set of keys. I had
> > heard that the locks were going to be changed and saw lorreta in the
> > building. When I approached her and asked her where my keys where she
> > aid that she had given them to my tenants. I DONT HAVE ANY TENANTS. I
> > think it is time for a change and i am not talking about "LOCKS".
> Then it's worse than I thought.
> This is compounded by a data point I haven't mentioned. In private email
> to Loretta, when the locks were first changed, I suggested that it would
> maybe wise if we were given a few extra days notice when locks would be
> changed so that, if we were out of town, we could make arrangements to
> get the new key, or if we came back to town late (as we did tonight), we
> wouldn't be standing in the cold trying to figure out what happened. Her
> response basically pooh-poohed this, suggesting that sometimes,
> inconveniences for some are inevitable.
> So how does she respond next?
> We WERE NOT notified of a second change in locks by postal mail, email,
> phone! It's incomprehensible that, if locks were to be changed on Oct 24,
> keys would be sent out on Oct 21. If true, and after the back-forth we've
> had in the past 2 weeks about the need for communication, this is so
> stunningly incompetent that whoever is responsible for this should be
> terminated. What is going through the heads of these folks to think that
> mailing keys to people on oct 21 is sufficient time??
> Michael, Loretta, don't you think that maybe, just maybe, you folk have
> a bit more than just a "communication issue" that you might begin
> addressing?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University
> /

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