RE: Email from Michael Rutkowski to the discussion group?

Subject: RE: Email from Michael Rutkowski to the discussion group?
From: Mary Deskovich (
Date: Sun Oct 30 2005 - 14:01:32 CST

Before installing a second lock, check with management company. I recall that the Board passed a rule that the only secondary locks that could be installed were locks "built into" doorknobs and then they had to be the same color as the deadbolts already installed. A second deadbolt was not allowed. This rule was passed before I became sec'y of the Board and so I don't have the minutes of the meeting at which it was passed and I may be recalling it incorrectly. Bottom line though, I would check with 1P as to what is allowed. As far as replacing the existing deadbolt, I don't know what is and is not allowed.

Jenny Lee <> wrote:

I haven't seen those emails in my box too. I'd like to know whether or not
we can get 2ndary locks installed on our doors.

----Original Message Follows----
From: Ric
Subject: Email from Michael Rutkowski to the discussion group?
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 08:20:19 -0700 (PDT)

In recent emails, Jim Thomas has mentioned email sent
by Michael Rutkowski to the discussion group.

Personally, I've not seen an email from Michael since
last June.

Am I the only one not getting any of the email Michael
is sending to vanguard-talk discussion group?

I've double checked the spam folder.

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