Subject: Re: Board positions
From: Tom Kikta (
Date: Mon Nov 07 2005 - 08:50:39 CST
Well said...thanks.
Whose position(s) is/are open this year?
Thomas C. Kikta, AIA
Legat Architects
>>> 11/4/2005 1:58:16 PM >>>
Okay-My last e-mail was a "personal" one. This one is being sent as a Board member. The decisions made by the Board are those we all have to live with since we all elected the Board (or at least those who bothered to vote elected). There is currently at least one vacancy on the Board that needs to be filled. Instead of just grousing, how about a few people running for the position? Let 1P know that you are interested before the annual meeting next month. We always run with no opposition and so we are sort of elected "by default". And, if you can't be a Board member and won't be available to vote at the meeting, ask 1P how you can make sure your vote gets counted. I believe there are ways to vote if you can't attend meetings. Every year (except last year when the meeting was held at the holiday party and even then we came close to no quorum) we have had to actually go from door to door on the night of the annual meeting to ask owners to either come down to the meeting or s!
ign a
proxy so that we would have a quorum.
There are a million reasons why we can't make it to the meetings, but there are provisions in the condo act that insure that our votes are counted and, therefore, our opinions voiced in a way that actually makes an impact.
Mary wrote:
I have to agree about the hall colors. They are dark and dingy. There was a post a while back saying that when the new carpet comes, the color scheme will make sense. Then there was a post last week about why the carpet has been delayed. Originally it was supposed to be in by the end of September and then it was the end of October. Now it's November 4th. By the time it finally comes in, we will be ready for a new paint job again.
Re, Loretta returning phone calls. When I called her last week about my keys, I happened to get her when she answered the phone so I got a set of keys right away and didn't have to wait for a call back.
By the way, we never did get the keys that were supposed to have been sent to us by First Properties. I don't want to beat a dead horse on this, but I mention it again, in the hopes that, should the locks need to be changed again, a better system for notification and key distribution will be devised.
-- Barbara> > I'm not going to jump on board with the Loreta > bashing, because she's gone out of her way to get back > to me on phone calls, however, I am going to jump on > board with the paint color bashing. > > Not having been in the building for several months, > seeing the 'new' paint turned my stomach. Tacky may > not be the right word to use, but I definitely don't > like it whatever it is. > > I am curious as to how the new colors were chosen. I > understand not everyone is going to have the same > tastes, but when you are talking about a 99 unit > building, maybe less 'risky' of colors should have > been chosen. > > Ric > > --- wrote: > > > I have been calling Loreta for over a week, in > > regards to lack of notice in > > changing locks. I have called Loreta over 5 times > > with no return phone > > calls. Why are we paying 1P so much money and i > > cant even get a simple answer. I > > notice that they always find away to get me my bill > > and raise my assesment > > with out raising the quality of work done at our > > building. By the way when > > did a bark blue strip ever look good in the middle > > of two types of browns. Who > > is the color bling individual who picked this out. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________ > Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 > >
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