List protocol

Subject: List protocol
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Nov 07 2005 - 11:52:57 CST

As list moderator, I've screwed up in my obligation to keep discussions
calm by instigating and perpetuating some of the heat in recent
discussions, and for this I apologize to the list.

So, as a reminder to myself (and to everybody else), let's keep these
basic rules in mind:

1) The list is intended for airing issues, both good and bad, and while
a bit of heat is sometimes justified, we should try to keep civil
and avoid personal attacks (yes, I'll take this to heart myself).

2) It's a good idea if we can offer solutions, or at least some
direction, to the problems we have. If the Board or 1P don't see a
solution, or find a proposed solution goofy, it's possible that another
resident might see a way to build on it and suggest something

3) There are a number of people who strongly feel that communication
between unit owners, 1P, and the Board could be improved. This isn't
something that happens overnight, and some steps are being taken
off-list to improve communication. At the next board meeting, perhaps
we could offer suggestions. Even if we're not able to attend, we can
still provide input

4) Don't forget to sign your posts so we know who's posting.

Jim / #501

Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /

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