Subject: Break-ins on troop street (fwd)
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Fri Dec 02 2005 - 23:52:03 CST
The following was sent over today from Loretta Wheeler, who suggested
that it be posted to the list. 1P has periodically reminded us (in case
we forget) that it's wise to leave NOTHING visible inside our vehicles,
even if parked on the inside lot. And, of course, be vigilant at night.
Doesn't hurt to peek outside the windows periodically at night for
suspicious activity.
Jim / #501
From Loretta:
Had several reports that car windows have been smashed on troop street.
One of the unit owners car windshield was broken on the parking lot from
a bee bee gun.Could be the same thing happening on Troop Street. You
might want to put this on your web-site for the building.
Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /
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