Re: Was there another breakin today?

Subject: Re: Was there another breakin today?
From: Tom Kikta (
Date: Thu Dec 29 2005 - 16:46:28 CST

I don't know what security firm you're looking at, but it is no where near $100,000 to $150,000 a year...hell, if that's what we'd pay a security guard, I'll quit my job and do it today. We'd be looking at roughly $30,000 a year (I think that is what the quotes came in at).

Additionally, a security guard in front, is a deterent to someone breaking into the lobby doors, which is apparently what happened last week (I don't know how they got in today.

In my mind, a security guard would be a good short-term solution, until we get something permanent in place. A security/keycard entry system would be a good thing to look at. Sure, there are yearly monitoring fees, but only a one-time cost for installation. For the cost of a security guard for a year, we could get a decent system in the building (and maybe upgrade the surveillance system at the same time). With a security/keycard system, we could tell exactly who is entering the building, and when. That way we don't have any keys floating out there. A keycard cannot be duplicated like a key. If a card gets stolen, we de-activate the card, and issue a new one. When a resident moves out, again, we de-activate the card and issue a new card to the new resident. If someone is giving a keycard to someone else (potentially a burglar), we can track whose card was used.

By upgrading the surveillance system, we could add cameras to the exterior of the building and mail area, which would act as a deterent. Cameras could be added to the corridors and stairwells, as well, but that drives the cost up, and seems a bit extreme to me.

Thomas C. Kikta, AIA
Legat Architects

>>> 12/29/2005 4:04 PM >>>
A security guard is a dumb move all they will be able to do is call 911.
And you are talking about a $100,000 to $150,000 a year addition to are
assessments. I don't have an answer to stop the break-ins but use common sense.
Don't let anyone in the building, lock your doors, be aware of your
environment, buy a security system.

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