Subject: Re: Was there another breakin today?
From: Jenny Lee (
Date: Thu Dec 29 2005 - 18:55:10 CST
Everyone, I really don't have much faith in a new key card system or more
cameras. I haven't heard if catching these criminals on tape has made a
difference. It certainly doesn't seem this way since we are experiencing
even more breakins and theft. These criminals are not intimidated by these
devices. I don't see a significant security enhancement in having a keycard
over a key, aside from not being able to duplicate the keycard. Whether we
keep changing the locks or changing the keycodes, these criminals will still
find a way. Especially since the police take 45 minutes to answer 2
emergency calls. (I got robbed last Thursday. The police told me to wait for
the detective to call me to finish filing the report. I haven't heard from
anyone since and it's been a week. I don't even know if they collected the
security tape from us! Do they even give a damn?)
If we are considering paying higher assessments for a security guard, I
would suggest that as a possible alternative, we consider activating our
individual security systems, building-wide. I think Barbara Thomas told us
it comes to $240/year - $20/month(?) Maybe we can get a discount with the
security company if we elect to do this, building-wide? Also, we would get a
slight reduction in our homeowners insurance costs if we activate our
personal security systems. I think the word would get out on the street that
every unit in the building has an activated security system, the burglaries
would decrease. We should also place stickers on our lobby doors that
declare that "every unit is protected by ____ company"...only in a more
positive way, so as not to deter potential buyers. This being said, though,
I also am interested in the security guard idea. I am doubtful it would only
cost $30k/year. If we have only one guard covering one shift, the criminals
will just mug and rob us before or after that shift.
I just am so angry at these criminals. I'm tired of our building being a
source of income for these scumbags! This mugging is just so awful! Does
anyone know who it was and if she is okay?
----Original Message Follows----
From: "Tom Kikta" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: Was there another breakin today?
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 16:46:28 -0600
I don't know what security firm you're looking at, but it is no where near
$100,000 to $150,000 a year...hell, if that's what we'd pay a security
guard, I'll quit my job and do it today. We'd be looking at roughly $30,000
a year (I think that is what the quotes came in at).
Additionally, a security guard in front, is a deterent to someone breaking
into the lobby doors, which is apparently what happened last week (I don't
know how they got in today.
In my mind, a security guard would be a good short-term solution, until we
get something permanent in place. A security/keycard entry system would be
a good thing to look at. Sure, there are yearly monitoring fees, but only a
one-time cost for installation. For the cost of a security guard for a
year, we could get a decent system in the building (and maybe upgrade the
surveillance system at the same time). With a security/keycard system, we
could tell exactly who is entering the building, and when. That way we
don't have any keys floating out there. A keycard cannot be duplicated like
a key. If a card gets stolen, we de-activate the card, and issue a new one.
When a resident moves out, again, we de-activate the card and issue a new
card to the new resident. If someone is giving a keycard to someone else
(potentially a burglar), we can track whose card was used.
By upgrading the surveillance system, we could add cameras to the exterior
of the building and mail area, which would act as a deterent. Cameras could
be added to the corridors and stairwells, as well, but that drives the cost
up, and seems a bit extreme to me.
Thomas C. Kikta, AIA
Legat Architects
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