Re: Was there another breakin today?

Subject: Re: Was there another breakin today?
Date: Fri Dec 30 2005 - 06:41:22 CST

I am reffering to the assement fees that i pay at university village. In my condo decleration my building paid for sub standard security guard who sits on her/his ass and talks on the phone and watches tv $100,000 to $150,000 dollars per year. A total waste. Just because you hire a security guard does not mean you are safe. YOu pay a company an hourly fee who then hires the cheapest laborer possible. It is a buisness just like every other buisness there is a bottom line and if they can hire some elderly man who is in his eighties $5.50 an hour they will. And we will be paying $20 to $30 an hour.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Thomas <>
Sent: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 18:27:53 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Was there another breakin today?

> I don't know what security firm you're looking at, but it is no where
> near $100,000 to $150,000 a year...hell, if that's what we'd pay a
> security guard, I'll quit my job and do it today.

Damn, Tom!!! You beat me too it! Your estimates of $30K a year seem a bit
low, but it's still in the reasonable range.

Just to re-interate your points:

> Additionally, a security guard in front, is a deterent to someone
> breaking into the lobby doors, which is apparently what happened last
> week (I don't know how they got in today.

Security on the door, while not fool-proof, does help reduce crime:

--a visible deterrent, making breaking in the front door more difficult
--a periodic walk-around for suspicious activity and listening for alarms
--dialing 911 isn't trivial; it beats not dialing
--it can be linked to other forms of security (monitoring, etc)

Upgrading surveillance is also useful. A mulifaceted approach would be
best if we can do it fairly inexpensively. Cameras in stairwells might
not be all that effective, because they would have little deterent or
preventative impact, and would duplicate what's currently installed (plus,
perhaps, another camera or two).


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