Subject: Dog Owners
From: Wayne Piggott (
Date: Wed Apr 19 2006 - 09:47:06 CDT
I’m reaching out to all Dog owners asking you to
please not let your pets defecate or urinate in the
common areas. This morning I noticed a dog urinating
in the guest parking lot and on the power box that
controls the west gate, and we would wonder why it
does not always work. I asked the owner to not let
his dog do that, pointing out to him that the dog was
urinating right next to my back the door (the white
door right next to the newly installed west gate).
His response to me was “Sorry, but once one does it
they all do it. What the F*#K am I suppose to do?”
This issue is particularly sensitive to me because my
unit has a back door that opens to the guest parking
lot and this is not the first time I’ve witnessed a
dog urinating or defecating on or in the vicinity of
my back door.
So I’m asking all my neighbors with pets to try their
best to stop their dogs from defecating or urinating
in the common areas.
Thank You,
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