
Subject: Assements
From: Michael Kolar (
Date: Wed Apr 19 2006 - 13:35:30 CDT

Dear friends,

   I pay $125.00 per month in assessments. I have a
one bedroom and one small den in the back corner of
the building. I feel my assessments are too low, by
maybe $30 bucks. Does the assessment rise with each
floor? Floors two threw seven are the same floor
plan. A buddy on floor two has a two bed, two bath, I
recalling him paying $250.00. He feels his is a
little low, too. I don't think our building has any
three bedrooms. So I am not sure why people are
paying over $300.00, unless the higher you are the
more your assessment is. Also, the cell tower brings
in less than $20,000.00 which is small potatoes for a
building of our size. I have lived in condos my whole
life, even in the best buildings with the best of
boards, there are always special assessments. The one
assessment that a resident called mega, is not that
mega. 4250 N. Marine Dr. had a $12,000 dollar special
assessment. There was NO payment plan. Also I don't
quite see how all the residents having key fobes and
card readers are going to stop crow-bars and
determined crack addicts. If people just used common
sense and had there alarms on, the rest off use would
not have to pay the price of a over bloated security
system that it seems will do little to stop intruders.
 According to 1P the gang of thieves fled after they
pried open a unit with a burglar alarm, after they
broke into several with no alarms. Unless we want to
glass block in the foyer, and put solid metal doors
in, or increase assessments to cover a doorman ( which
I don't think anyone wants to pay for) nothing will.

Food for thought,
Michael G. Kolar

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