RE: Assements

Subject: RE: Assements
From: Debra Aaron (
Date: Wed Apr 19 2006 - 19:55:27 CDT

I'm in #401 - the #01 units are the largest (sq. footage) in the building (2
bedroom/2 bathroom). We pay $291.69 in assessments - including remote lot
parking. The slight differences in assessments could be the parking -
whether you are in the garage or not, I'm not sure. I wouldn't want to pay
any more but I don't think they are too high at the present. I DO NOT want
the building access control security system. I also fail to see how this is
going to change or improve security.

As stated before by other owners... if you want to know where the money goes
look at the budget... it's spelled out. And as for other buildings
assessments being higher or lower you have to compare everything. Maybe a
building has a doorman or exercise room but they might not have landscaping
expenses or snow removal expenses? New buildings assessments are usually
low to attract new buyers and once the development is turned over to the
owners they eventually learn that their assessments are not adequate to
properly run the building.

I would also like to know what has become of the lawsuit. I have not heard
it mentioned in such a long time. I'd like an update.

Debra Aaron

>From: Michael Kolar <>
>Subject: Assements
>Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 11:35:30 -0700 (PDT)
>Dear friends,
> I pay $125.00 per month in assessments. I have a
>one bedroom and one small den in the back corner of
>the building. I feel my assessments are too low, by
>maybe $30 bucks. Does the assessment rise with each
>floor? Floors two threw seven are the same floor
>plan. A buddy on floor two has a two bed, two bath, I
>recalling him paying $250.00. He feels his is a
>little low, too. I don't think our building has any
>three bedrooms. So I am not sure why people are
>paying over $300.00, unless the higher you are the
>more your assessment is. Also, the cell tower brings
>in less than $20,000.00 which is small potatoes for a
>building of our size. I have lived in condos my whole
>life, even in the best buildings with the best of
>boards, there are always special assessments. The one
>assessment that a resident called mega, is not that
>mega. 4250 N. Marine Dr. had a $12,000 dollar special
>assessment. There was NO payment plan. Also I don't
>quite see how all the residents having key fobes and
>card readers are going to stop crow-bars and
>determined crack addicts. If people just used common
>sense and had there alarms on, the rest off use would
>not have to pay the price of a over bloated security
>system that it seems will do little to stop intruders.
> According to 1P the gang of thieves fled after they
>pried open a unit with a burglar alarm, after they
>broke into several with no alarms. Unless we want to
>glass block in the foyer, and put solid metal doors
>in, or increase assessments to cover a doorman ( which
>I don't think anyone wants to pay for) nothing will.
>Food for thought,
>Michael G. Kolar

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