Subject: Re: Recycling?
From: Dana Parker (
Date: Tue Jul 25 2006 - 11:35:06 CDT
It kills me to mention what I have found out about the
Chicago trash system (mainly Waste Management - the
largest compnay). I wish it wasn't true and maybe I
just asked the wrong people.
I've asked actual drivers (not ours) where the blue
bags go and their answer is something like "where all
the other trash goes." The only way that I think we
can definitely know if our blue bags are recycled, is
have a recycling company pick up. I'm for it if we can
make it happen.
Dana Parker
--- Jim Thomas <> wrote:
> The Tribune had a few articles about the low rate of
> material intended
> for recycling that actually gets recycled by some
> waste management
> companies.
> Does anybody know offhand how much of our
> recycled/bluebag material
> is actually recycled by our waste management vendor?
> Jim / #501
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern
> Illinois University
> /
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