Re: Recycling?

Subject: Re: Recycling?
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Tue Jul 25 2006 - 12:45:18 CDT

On Tue, 25 Jul 2006, Dana Parker wrote:

> It kills me to mention what I have found out about the
> Chicago trash system (mainly Waste Management - the
> largest compnay). I wish it wasn't true and maybe I
> just asked the wrong people.
> I've asked actual drivers (not ours) where the blue
> bags go and their answer is something like "where all
> the other trash goes." The only way that I think we
> can definitely know if our blue bags are recycled, is
> have a recycling company pick up. I'm for it if we can
> make it happen.

Here's an article from last week's Tribune:,1,3019310.story

This is the city's program; I'm told that private waste management vendors
might have different policies. Anybody know what our vendor's policy is?


Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /

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