Re: Recycling? (fwd)

Subject: Re: Recycling? (fwd)
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Tue Jul 25 2006 - 17:46:08 CDT

Here's Loretta's information on blue bag recycling. It looks like our
recycling efforts are not in vain!!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 16:51:47 -0500
From: Loretta Wheeler <>
To: Jim Thomas <>
Subject: Re: Recycling?



The type of recycling that Van Guard does now, the blue bag is the best of
the lot. We commingle glass, plastic and in the other bag we should place
paper products. The blue bags are taken directly to the facility that
recycles and they are sorted by material. these recycling plants are
overseen by the City's Depart of Environment. The recycling company says
they would safety say that 60 % of the recycling is saved. Now that tin is
60 cents per pound, they make a special effort to recycle that.. Years ago
we use to have the single bins, one used for the papers and the other used
for plastic, glass. One person could put in a piece of reachable that was
containminated and you would have to toss all the stuff in the garbage. The
suburbs use the bins for spatter recyclables but these are only singles
family homes, not multi buildings like the ones in Chicago. Recyables go to
the recycling plants, not to the garbage dumps. Everyone should fee good
about recycling even though all the items do not make it though. I trust
this writing answers all your questions

I will do a letter and send it to Unit Owners, regarding the recycling.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Thomas" <>
To: "Vanguard Lofts Listserv" <>
Cc: "Loretta Wheeler" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:29 AM
Subject: Recycling?

> The Tribune had a few articles about the low rate of material intended
> for recycling that actually gets recycled by some waste management
> companies.
> Does anybody know offhand how much of our recycled/bluebag material
> is actually recycled by our waste management vendor?
> Jim / #501
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University
> /

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