Subject: Re: Stolen Box
Date: Thu Aug 10 2006 - 13:53:34 CDT
Your box was most likely thrown out. Items not stored inside storage
lockers are disposed of on a regular basis. A memo was sent out from
First Properties informing all residents in the building. There have been
problems in the past with owners/residents using the storage room as a
general dumping ground for miscellaneous items. Anything not stored in a
locker is considered an abandoned item and will be removed. This helps us
keep the storage room clean so we don't have any problems with the fire
Best regards,
- Chris
"Zach Simmons" <>
Sent by:
08/10/2006 01:36 PM
Please respond to
Stolen Box
I'm writing to say that I'm most upset that somebody took my TV box which
accidentally left in the storage room while I was out of town. The box
contained a couple of small items such as pillows and spare bedding. The
value of the items isn't much so I'm especially disappointed that somebody
in the building decided to take them. I'm asking that the offending
please return this box promptly.
Zach Simmons
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